Blacklistee #1
1.Abbie Koh
She ordered DBSK's KYHD Normal Edition, 2PM Hands Up Normal Edition, and Mr Taxi. Asked why it was so expensive when she requested for registered mail, so i cut down, THEN she tells me she mistook me for another person cos she claimed she ordered a lot of items from other blogs.
Then she told me she'd sent the payment over to my bank acc. A few days later, I asked her if she had done so, she said not yet. Then the next night, I receive a text from her saying : "hey, i'm not ordering the albums anymore. I need the money for it urgently as something cropped up so wont be able to buy it." Well, Id love to believe that she had something urgent, maybe it was true. But regardless, she violated one of the terms, so I'll proceed with the blacklisting. Cos who knows, she may be lying?
So note to customers : I don't care what your reason is, I'm running a business here, so I'll just go and blacklist as long as you've violated ANY rule.
Then she tagged me, saying that she doesn't care if i blacklist her, she wants to clear her conscience by saying that she needed the money urgently for the beast fanmeet.
Then, she says that she runs a bs herself, and has many numbers coming in, so she can't remember where she bought things from.
Then, she says "Who won't be shock if they can't remember they ordered something somewhere and total amount cost $70+? Well, sorry if i said something rude."
Then :
- I mean, it is true right? Which blogshop owner likes it's own customers to violate any of the t&cs, be it intentionally or unintentionally. Especially if the reason you gave me was that you need money for the Beast Fanmeet. Then you shouldn't have purchased it to begin with, if you knew you wanted to buy tickets for the fanmeet. Isn't it logical enough?
Then , "Who won't be shock if they can't remember they ordered something somewhere and total amount cost $70+? Well, sorry if i said something rude."
For starters, why can't you remember that you ordered stuff that amounted to $70+? You don't check your emails or phone or something? To be honest, I'm shocked that you can't remember that you ordered something from somewhere.
You too said that you run a blogshop, and that you have many numbers coming into your phone, so you can't remember what you bought from who. Well, simple solution : keep a record/save the name. I believe everyone's phone has such a function.
Best part : you're a fellow blogshop owner.
Sorry to say, but i've owned a bs for quite some time now, and all i can say is that you seem like a irresponsible person to me. Not remembering your orders, not remembering anything and using the fact that you own a bs as an excuse. Mind you, I've owned 2 before my kpop venture. And did I let that affect me in remembering my contacts of my customers, or having the most basic knowledge to save their numbers into my contacts? No.
I remember one time, I may have almost violated a rule, and knew that I may get blacklisted, but I respected it, as a fellow bs owner I understand these issues. So I didn't try to "clear my conscience" by spamming the owner's tagboard with my reasons.
As a bs owner yourself, won't you find that customers who break ANY of your t&cs, be it intentionally or unintentionally, really untolerable.
And do note that I don't take your violation lightly, you confirmed your order, and even told me you were going to pay, then all of a sudden backed out cos you needed money for a fanmeet?
Solution : save up earlier, or don't go and watch fancams.
And funnily, is a fanmeet THAT urgent a situation, making it sound like a matter of life and death.
I mean, bottom line is, if the roles were switched, wouldn't you get really pissed off and blacklist me too?
PS : ignore the Potter, i'm spazzing about it now, cos i'm watching it later.