Ohmyohmy. I hope and pray that I'll make it to hlc.
& I think either I get angry easily, or everyone's just pissing me off.
I know you want to share your joy.
But don't you know that, you shouldn't flaunt what you have right in people's faces,
especially when you're showing off something the other person wants a lot.
This is just some basic EQ.
No one likes someone who only shows off all the time, it's no good.
What a bad friend that'll make.
Maybe it's just my personality and attitude issues, but seriously, take a look at yourself too.
I have many dislikes, but I too, have many things I like.
I dislike people who put their noses into everything I do, or everything that happens to me.
Sorry, but seriously, some things really don't concern you at all.
And I just don't wanna tell you. You too, were this way to me before.
So expect the same thing.
And ohmy, I'm extremely pissed at this one person,
Who thinks he's so big and powerful.
Sorry to give a wake up call, but no, you're neither big, nor powerful.
Act so good in school, and become a paikia outside school.
What's that suppose to be? Try poker face uh?
Just be yourself , want be gangster, come school also gangster la, need act until like that for what?
-'- Don't think, that anything and everything you do is correct,
I don't know why people even look up to you,
Why girls even bother to feel hurt because of you.
Not everything is your taiji, people don't want you to interfere, then seriously, don't .
And you are also the sort of person,
Who's blinded by your own side of any story, choosing to belive what you see,
it's like selective listening, you choose what you want to see,
and ignore what you don't want to see.
And like, you do this, even when someone tells you the real truth.
And don't think everything you do is correct, it's actually not.
You may think you're helping someone out, but you're only making things worse.
People don't need you to mediate for them.
And I do admit, you have your fair share of good points.
But your bad points are far more outstanding, to me.
*moving on*
I seem so negative nowadays.
I sorta hate this school I'm in.
It's so biased. Seriously.
Although there's really no such thing as not being the slightest bit biased,
sometimes, things just go way too far.
I'm not in the mood to elaborate,
in order to prevent misunderstandings.
Hope everything will change :D
I hope my attitude will change too, it's turning me into some shitty human being .
Monday, October 18, 2010
You're All I See.

Damn the kpop night :(
Can't see my damn ONEW. :(
And I'm saddened.
I promised myself to move on, but obviously, I can't.
And every day is shitty.
Today, shitty math results.
56! goodluckforme!
Can't wait to get back the rest of the results.
o.o some people just don't know when to shut up.
I know who la, think he's all that.
Not that big yknow.
Damn. So tired.
I could crash on the table nowww.
But I can't, when I see him everyday. :(
Thursday, October 14, 2010
On My Own.

Crazy much.
I actually bothered to apologise.
It's like, fine, alright, make me sound like the bad guy.
See it from your perspective.
I'll be fine sometime.
Cos after all, to every living being in this world,
I don't have feelings.
Treat me like a punchbag,
someone you hit, or vent your anger on.
Treat me like a tissue paper, throwing me away after quick use.
Treat me like a robot, who isn't programmed to feel anything.
No feelings, no emotions, no nothing.
Isn't that what I am to everyone? Right?
At the end of the day, just remember what you did to me.
I actually allowed what happened to day,
to ruin my day totally, and make me angry.
And plus, I even cried because of it.
I'm so worthless and useless,
crying over something that doesn't matter.
Why do I cry?
I don't know.
I remember, someone told me, that I should think before I act,
think about what the other person would feel before I say something.
Think, of the consequences that would happen.
Think of the tone and language I use before I speak.
But actually, I'd bet he didn't think of how I would feel,
when they said those words to me.
I'd bet they didn't think I would cry.
I'd bet they didn't think I would take this seriously.
To say that I offended a whole group of people,
it seriously made me wonder,
what, exactly, did I do?
And when I realised,
I felt shocked.
It was, a simple facebook status on leadership, and equal opportunities.
Which wasn't mean to be arrowed directly at them.
So what more could I do?
Just, sum up the courage,
to say a simple sorry, even though,
it was they who preferred to interpret my status in the wrong way.
It's alright though, I'd rather there be peace and harmony,
then war between us.
Just know, just remember how sad you made me feel,
how hard you made me cry, and how bad a person you made me seem to be.
And how you made me think : if I couldn't control myself better, how many cuts on my wrists would I be seeing now?
Even now, I still wanna cry.
All thanks to those few words.
Seriously, put yourself in my shoes, and think if you'd like it.
The only reason I keep blabbering about this is because,
it matters to me.
That's all.
You're Not That Big, So Shut Up.

You think you very big uh?
I write what on facebook, need you care?
I dont care if it insults you.
If you choose to get insulted, then get insulted lor.
I dont care if it insults ALL of you.
Then it just goes to show that what I said, is most probably true.
If it's not, the whole lot of you wouldn't be affected by what I said.
It's called Freedom Of Speech.
I want to say what, I can say., no one stop me.
You want to say what, you also go say la, I also never stop you.
So just shut up,and if you're angry,
leave me alone.
Or you want come talktalk argueargue, also can.
I argue back lor.
I don't like arguing with people who I treat as friends,
but if you really wanna "talk" it out, fine by me.
Just don't get "insulted" if I talk back at you,
cos I won't hesitate.
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
It Chills Me To The Bone.

I had an uber scary nightmare.
About ghosts in my house.
It sounds childish.
But it scared the fucking hell outta me.
I woke up in sweat.
Now, I'm too freaked to walk around freely around the house, without feeling uneasy.
Fucking scared.
And I think in the dream, there was one in my room.
I'm freaking myself out.
There was a happy and sweet dream after that,
but I forgot what it was about. Sad.
I haven't started on Geog e-learning.
I don't really intend to, seriously.
Oh! And the GRC compos too.
Like wtf.
Exams are over already, the teachers cant accept that fact.
And I'm too not done with acelearning.
I dont intend to start on anything.
Currently, I'm bored.
Humour me people.
I shall just go to the Smosh website. And make myself laugh.
Oh! I can also edit my blog shop.
I'm gonna do that now.
Instocks people, I got hot instocks.
Monday, October 11, 2010
If You Were The One.

Results are coming out next week.
And I think I'm gonna buy stickys later before tuition. Heh (:
At least got smth to snack on.
Stickys are niiiccceeee.
I like the Smiley Rock. I shall go there right after fetching my brother.
I just gotta get some money from my mum.
For my dinner for tuition later.
The trick is the earlier or later you go to sticky. the more things there are.
Cos the worst timing is to go there at 1 plus.
So many students there buy.
Or should I set off at 3?
Yeah . I probably should.
Then can go tuition straight. :D
Saturday, October 9, 2010
i'm a bitch, we all are.
fuckyou dogs.
seriously, did anyone ask for your opinion?
i know, we're all entitled to our own opinions,
but no one asked for yours.
so stop being dogs, and just keep your comments to yourselves.
you're pissing me off.
you may claim that we're best friends, but we're not.
cos in my eyes, you haven't been treating me like one.
i thought friends were supposed to understand each other, and not force each other.
but look at yourselves.
not that i'm very big or anything,
but don't seem so desperate can?
i know your status was referring to me.
i just chose not to comment on it. fuckyou.
but seriously, it takes a dog, to know another dog.
so in truth, we're all dogs.
And Oh Great God, my Dear Father,
please, help me .
I don't wanna morph into a bitch and lose all my friends.
I can't help it.
i can't fight the feelings anymore.
i used to be too afraid to let them show,
but now, i have. unwilling. uncontrollably.
And Your Heart Starts To Wonder.

Had a preetttyyy awesome time with Cassandra yesterday.
Bought 3 packs of Stickys.
I'm gonna get tooth decay, I swear.
I'm gonna save some for school tomorrow when I watch to 101010 rehearsal.
At least this one doesn't require money.
Heh (:
I'm gonna update my mixpod playlist.
Gonna put all the songs that I know and ♥ since I was young.
I used to watch MTV when I was 4.
How cool.
I want my childhood days back, when there was always this overpowering feeling every single day.
Alright (:
Gonna meet Masudah soon for her tees. (:
Thursday, October 7, 2010
I Want Some More.

Animal - Neon Trees (Y)
Quite a nice song.
Hung out at the Youth Corner yesterday after lunch.
Memories .
I almost teared up.
That place means a lot to me.
Just being there, made me feel that I should work harder next year.
So that maybe, hopefully,
I become a leader.
I want to.
Oh yeah.
And I truly wanna give up.
But it's hard to let go of something you've held onto for so long.
Sunday, October 3, 2010
Why Won't You Answer Me?
Somewhere Over The Rainbow,Skies Are Blue,
And The Dreams That You Dare To Dream Really Do Come True.
Man. The exams so far were just ...
Science was totally awesome. It was the only paper I had confidence in so far.
Maths Paper 2 ; ready to flunk like mad.
It's a sure fail. Fail like mad.
But nah. I'm okay with it anyway.
It's just 3 more days to go.
With Chinese Paper 1 and 2 mashed in the same day.
So tough. And I'm not done with art yet. AHDAMMIT.
Good luck to everyone,
Just 3 more days, And everyone of us will be able to playy!