So what if I bring same bag as someone?
If doing so means that I like that person, then I've liked many people before.
And who says I'm avoiding her?
Since day 1, I've hated her, so what's wrong with not speaking to the person you dislike?
If it's wrong, bring me to jail la. knn.
Why should I give a damn to what she thinks?
She's not important to me, I don't really care.
And why should I care bout what others think?
Is it really that important?
Bag, is a bag.
I like that design, why should anyone care?
So does it mean that when someone brings same bag as some random guy,
I should go around spreading rumours?
What the fuck you want me to do, return it? I also bought it already.
I bring to school is my problem.
It's not yours, not any of yours.
I don't need people to go make comments about who I like.
Damn you shitters -'-
Y'all should just go one corner and screw yourselves.
Stop being so childish. What you wanna think, I leave it to you.
Cos it's your problem, not mine.
But as long as I know what I think, I don't care.
Somehow, it seems as though all of you aren't my friends anymore.
If you guys were, you would at least respect my limit, and not go over it.
Much less respect my choice of fucking bags I bring to school -'-
Thanks for making my mood drop back down.
I didn't really care about it anymore, but thank you for making my Sunday a whole lot worse.
I hate it when people piss me off.
Don't think that you're trying to help, you're just making everything worse than it already seems.
Main point is : I like that bag, I cannot carry meh?
It was true that I know that she would get jealous.
Then why not she just fucking save money and fucking buy the bag herself?
It's not my problem she gets jealous easily, not my problem at all.
It's hers, get it straight.
Damn all of you, and just leave me alone.
Don't pretend to care, or don't care at all.
I like to handle stuff myself. My way.
And if I wanna leave this stupid shit unsolved, I'll leave it unsolved.
Suspect more lo, suspect what you fucking want.
If you were really my friends, you would know the truth, and respect my decisions.
So just fucking get lost, you ruined my day.
And if anyone thinks I changed, I actually haven't,
I've been this way all along, since I was borned.
It's true, I just choose not to show this side of me.
Y'all forced me to. I didn't want to.
But since everyone wants to fucking interfere, I guess there's no choice.
Bottom line is : I don't really give a damn anymore. So stop trying to mediate and pissing me off in the end.
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
I'm About To Turn Up The Heat.

Look at me up there. I'm studying.
Ohwait, everyone knows that's not me.
But hey, I'm studying hard now.
With a business to run too.
I have t-shirts already!
Order now people! :D
You won't regret it at all. :D:D:D
Man, this is free advertisement. Ohwait, it's my blog.
I can advertise whenever I want.
I'm sick at home now. Heh.
Which explains the time I'm blogging.
Damn .
Everytime I go to the doctor, its collick.
Damn . My stomach is so effed up.
Damn . Hehe.
Having an MC isn't a nice thing.
It's boring.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
The Sweetest Dream Will Never Do.

Damn, my life sucks.
I'm gonna quit.
It's not that I can't take jokes. It's just that everything has it's own limits, and I fucking hate it when people cross mine.
And you still cross it even when you know how much I hate it.
I'm trying not to walk away.
For it's such a short period of time.
Today something funny happened.
I was walking, saw Anthony. And started laughing.
He was like, : your bag quite nice leh.
Me : Yeaps. I know it is. Actually, your bag nicer.
Anthony : Of course la.
Then I laughed and walked away.
Damn .
Then cabbed with Fikri and Shihui and ate at mall.
Xinjie joined us. And here I am, back at my house.
Saturday, September 11, 2010
I'll Be By Your Side, You Know I'll Take Your Hand.

I'll make use of this to do this:
http://www.little-blackcloset.blogspot.comGo look look see see! Seriously.
If you don't, you're so doomed when school reopens.
Or when I see you.
Hehe. I'm opening it again after about 1 and a half years.
But I'm not sure if it'll be that successful. I hope it will.
At least more successful than last time.
I'm praying, really, I am. :D
I shall make use of the upcoming December holidays to undergo change.
Hope it's successful.
I'm praying harder. Hehe.
Jog Jog Jog Jog Jog everyday.
Study Study Study Study everyday.
Maybe I'll change to be a better person next year. Or so I hope.
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Trying To Make It Work, But Man, These Times Are Hard.

I just studied with Jerin like mad.
My eyes hurt, and I had a headache.
But ohwell, I completed a few chapters of Geog today.
Better than nothing.
Her brother was annoying, really.
Thank goodness I had my music to keep me company.
And I was damn sleeeepy.
I just watched MTV World Stage.
KATY PERRY PERFORMED TEENAGE DREAM! I LOVE KATY PERRY!hehe. I super love her.She's like, the awesomest person on earth.
Heh. I feeeel so disheartened.
My heart feels so empty. Fill it up, please? Damn it.
My life wasn't supposed to turn out this way.
Ohwell. Life's a journey, complete it. Heh.
I'm watching My Super Sweet 16 now.
Everyone who's featured on that show are just spoilt brats.
Seriously. But they have cash. KACHING! :D
I wonder how it feels to have to much cashhhh.
Man, and their popularity. Heh.
I'm trying . Really. I'm trying my best. But everytime I do, I get totally nothing in return.
Monday, September 6, 2010
All I Can Do Is Try.

Finally, a more recent post.
It's the official kick start of the September one week holidays.
I thereby emphasise on one week.
What the heck can someone do in only one week?
It's so limited, for God's sake.
Ohwell, for me, since I have the whole thing about my grades slipping.
I'll just study the whole way.
That sounds sucky, it really is sucky anyway.
To make things slightly better, I'm going out with some of my friends.
Like YAY ME.
Okay, so here's what went on during the weekends, day by boring day. :
040910. - Day out with Valerie.
We met early early, just that she was late, by a bit. LOL!.
Then brunched at Burger King.
Then MRT-ed to Plaza Sing. Bought tickets. Slacked a bit there.
Bought Jerin's gift there too. Shopped around.
Then movie time! Hehe, we watched Grown Ups.
It was pretty awesomely superb. Seriously.
And after movie, she went to meet her brother's.
Coincidentally, we saw Kian Soon. LOL!
I was standing on the escalator, then I turned a bit and saw him on the escalator directly across us.
Heh, then I went to my cousin's house, we went seperate ways then.
And dinner-ed at my cousin's place. I was looking at the mirror for 15 minutes,
or so she claims. Oh well. It's normal.
Then bus-ed to Suntec, to go Comex IT fair.
It was suberbly awesomely fantastically fantastic! I bought my golden ONTO headphones.
Hehe. Awesomely superb, those things are.
But sadly, I'm still figuring out how to use the free cable wrap that was given to me.
Ohwell, I can be such a noob sometimes.
I saw Zikang there. Exchanged out hi-byes.
Supper-ed at Macs, and finally went home. Super late at night.
Woke up at 11.
Breakfasted at Macs with Zess.
Went to eat lunch after.
Super pig out session. LOL!
Then went back home, managed to study a bit.
Helped my mum load songs into her iPhone.
Then my relatives came over, and we all had maggi noodles.
Another major pig out session. LOL! Heh.
Then went to my grandmother's house. Dinner-ed a bit.
Ate chocolate pie, with whipped cream, thinking,
but still eating it anyway.
Then went to Compass, walked around.
And I have to report my fcking lost ezlink card.
I hate loosing important stuff like that.
What's next on the list of loosing important stuff, my big V?
Ignore tha stupid jokes that I crack when I'm really bored.
What in damnation does everyone expect me to do?
My holidays are filled with waking up early, to use the computer.
That's called skill. I don't even need an alarm to wake me up 7am in the morning.
I just get up myself.
To think I slept at 1.45am.
Amazing me. :D
Saturday, September 4, 2010
Let It Burn.

It's been quite some time, as usual.
I haven't touched the computer in ages.
heh. Been doing some hardcore mugging.
End of years are coming! And although I want to fail english to make Ms Pang angry, I won't
I don't wanna retain. I can't.
I can fail it some other time.
Meanwhile, I'm just gonna study study study study study.
Yeah, boring. I know. But oh well, that's the only thing I can do.
Does anyone else have parents as naggy as mine?
Betcha do. Ohwell. It just comes in from one ear, and out of the other.
Quite mean of me to say that. But still.
I'm so sleeeepy.
I'm going out later. Wheeeeeeee!.
I freaking forgotten that I promised another friend to go out today already.