Camp was uber fun! I love the way the alumni bond together a lot. It's like we're one big family.
We get to know new friends, and catch up with old ones.
It's goooood. :D
I came in the afternoon with a busload of others.
Then reached, and I was grouped in Hermes 1.
God. I have no idea how to pronounce it. It keeps changing as the teachers say it. Confusing.
Then they had Emillio there already.
The children were like, " Cherry + Milo = CONSTIPATION!"
I memorised it. I heard it about 20 times a day.
I got so used to it, that sometimes I answer the equation for the students.
We did our song and cheer. Which sucked la. Cos not coordinated enough.
And even though we motivate them to try, they never listen.
Instead, they carry on making nonsense. And looking at my stitches.
Claudia and I were like, " how marcus and emillio tolerate?"
heehee. The teachers were fierce, but it was expected.
We did some team-building games. Then there was the hula hoop one.
They had to hold hands and pass the hoop through.
Must be boy girl boy girl. But they don't want. Boys said the girls had diseases. -.-
Childish much?! HAHA!
Then in the end, we did something to convince them to hold hands.
HAHA! Then it was fun.
Emillio sabo-ed me to do a forfeit. Eh no, we did forfeit together. -.-
HAHA! Then the children wanted Flying Fox, but cannot.
Not fair, Emillio says something and everyone follows, I say something and half of the kids follow!
Dinner time was good. The food was okay.
Then played Two Towers. I stayed out a bit. I didn't want something to happen to my leg.
Then the senior facils pranked the junior ones. We all got wet.
I specially tied that plastic bag on my leg for that. Alastair informed me beforehand.
It was fun. Then washed up.
That's shocking. Very shocking. Cos I somehow don't really plan things well.
There was this huge, grey, grasshopper like thing. And the girls screamed.
Marilyn helped out with that, and Valerie.H took photos of it. HAHA!
Then debriefed and supper. The teachers were fierce.
Then after lights out for them, went for our own debrief, until about 12.30-1.00am .
Then showered. And went back to the bunk. We slept below the kids.
I was supposed to go for sentry at 5.00-6.30am.
Then I didn't really want to sleep. So when Claudia and Adeline finished sentry,
I followed them to shower. Then went back to bunk.
And talked and wrote the cards. Then I attempted to sleep.
Then I unknowingly slept for 1 hour. Woke up at 4.40.
Cos Yinhang called me up for sentry. Walao.
Was fcking cold till crazy. It was raining super duper heavily.
I shivered and chattered like mad crazy. I thought I was running high fever.
Alastair, Emily and Yinhang were like, are you okay and stuff?
Even with a sleeping bag around me I was freezing.
Then talked at the MPH, with Ezra, Yinhang and Emily.
Then morning had breakfast. I love a good cup of hot milo in the morning, or for supper.
It soothes me a lot. And we proceeded with our remaining elements.
We did the indoor rock wall. I wanted to do it.
Then I did, after all the students went. It was freaking hard.
I almost gave up at the last rock. Cos I couldn't pull myself up. But I did.
I overcame my slight fear of heights! Super duper happy.
My hands still hurt from climbing.
Then the wall hit my wound a bit. -.- Pain la. But just bearable pain.
-Fast Forward-
Went back to Rivervale. Like, total yayness!
Then lunched. And campfire prep. Sucked yet again. For the same variety of reasons.
Heh. Then Mini Olympics. One guy went missing. Then I tried to find like crazy.
I find first, then Emillio. Then still cannot find. So told Mr Zaki.
Then investigated, and found out that that boy went home himself. Idiotic.
Then outdoor cooking, my thumb became medium rare. Slightly burnt by all the egg cracking,
fire extinguishing, and mass tin removing. Dinner was cool for us.
Macaroni with stuff. I loved the fishcake! I LOVE IT SO MUCH!
Then campfire, Hermes was first to cheer. Sucked! :D
We used backup plan. HAHA!
Suhui's team was gooood. They did the Gatsby ad. So random. And fun!
Jonathan looked mad while doing it, but we all know that that's just what he is.
The Super Seniors did Nobody again. Then Boys Generation! They did Gee with Marilyn.
Then after everything is done, we did the good job cheer for everyone.
Then after that, we did the Waving Flag song. All the facils were united.
And we were singing, or rather screaming, the song. (Y)
We were like, putting our hands on each others shoulders, swaying around madly.
Then, campers went back. And debriefed for facils.
We took a group photo. And this time, I WAS IN IT! YAY!
Took 3 times.
I love facils! (Y)
And the Hermes people took together! Me, Emillio, Claudia, and Marcus.
I love us (Y)
Then went for late supper, packeted Macs and ate at a MPH.
Then went back with Clinton. Super early lo. The rest still there.
But my mum said I have to go back with someone. So I went lo.
Then bathed, unpacked, slept. :D
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Hate On Me.

I think I need a good cuppa coffee to cool me down.
After everything that has happened today.
Would you like it, if someone sent everyone a nasty text about you?
I got so pissed. Ranted more at private blog.
I just know this:
It was sucky. Anyone who went through it with me would know.
I'm not gonna fight back, it's as despicable as the text itself.
I'm not gonna do anything.
As of tomorrow, whatever that has happened will stay today,
it'll not move on tomorrow.
It's embarrassing. I trusted the wrong person.
And I'll take it as a learning experience.
Now I know better who to trust, and who not to trust.
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
I Want To Know You.

Today, one of the unluckiest days ever.
I tripped and fell while going to board the bus.
Like, wtf.
My left ankle hit the curb hard. While my right shin,
It hit the metal part of the bus steps. And it formed a punctured wound.
Like one hole. Then inside that hole, is another hole.
Like, damn shitty.
Then continued the journey to school.
The worst part was no one helped me when I was in the bus.
The most is one lady giving me a tissue.
It was quite embarrassing. And it was so painful that I could've cried.
But I have more pride than that. So I didn't la.
Then when I finally got off the bus, the process in which was bloody hard,
I called for help. Valerie first. She just woke up.
And then Joey, who said it was inconvenient for her.
Then I was like, walao. Just walk in alone luh.,
Little did I know that she called Yiyan and Shihui to help me.
I have such good friends.
Then went to Service Counter to get help.
Seriously, can ask anyone who saw IT. Blood oozing out non-stop.
Seriously. Then Wenxin and Zhilin tried to help.
And the uncle. But it was stil bleeding, and 5 minutes later, I had to change the dressing again.
Gah. Then the staff said that I had to be sent to the doctor,
cos the most she could do was apple pressure to the wound.
It's too deep already.
Called my mum like, 5 times. She didn't answer.
Shihui helped me call mr fairus.
Then he called my mum just in time., HAHA!.
She rush to school, and fetch me go Sengkang Polyclinic.
WALAO. then so many numbers. So we changed the dressing and got a priority number,
and I got a wheelchair! HAHA!
I tried to wheel myself. Quite cool. I know how Artie from Glee feels like now.
So the doc said, have to sent go A&E.
Actually wanted ambulance, but it's like 100bucks and go Changi General Hospital.
So we took taxi to KKH.
The doc say it's deep, have to stitch it up.
And I realised that at KKH, I was like, the oldest 'child' there.
LOL! Then the nurse rubbed some cream on my wound.
Like, to make it numb, so I won't feel anything during the stitching.
Then stitch time!
When he cleaned the wound before he stitched, I freaking cried.
Cos it was so freaking pain. I couldn't stand it. Like pouring a bucket of salt like that.
Then really, when he was stitching, I didn't really feel anything.
Miraculously. HAHA!
Then went back home limping. HAHA!
My legs are still pain, though. GAH.
Idiotic. Limping to school tmrw -.-
Super paiseh to take the same bus again tmrw.
Fcking idiots never help. Fck la.
Then I had to hold the blood all the way. Super inconvenient.
And guess what.
It's 3 days before camp, and I got myself into this shit. GAH.
I want to know you, I really do. But, everytime I try to do this stuff, it just turns out all wrong. And I get sad all over again. Is it really worth it?
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Is It Me You're Looking For?

Had so much fun today yeah.
Was one of the earlier ones, apart from Louisa's TKGS mates.
They were fun and friendly. And they love SuperJunior.
Good enough :D
Talked and talked, and we actually clicked quite okay.
They were shouting my name from Louisa's room while I was still walking downstairs.
Super high today, but not totally at my maximum high.
Was laughing a lot. Smashed flour!
That was the fun part. And the TKGS people cleaned up the mess.
I got a bit on my hair. HAHA! Quite fun, actually.
Then went back up and ate.
Then at like, 4plus, went home.
Walked with Joleen, GMY, Lynn, Darrel and Gabriel.
Darrel waited for his mum or smth,
then the four of us lor. HAHA!
I'm still waiting, I'm still confused
Saturday, July 10, 2010
It Isn't Easy, But I'll Try.

Hmmm, what are these mixed feelings I can feel inside me?
gah., I'm not sure.
I have no idea why, but I'm feeling a tinge of sadness now.
gah. shall rant more at my private blog. :D
I'll Taste The Sky And Feel Alive Again.

I cried when I watched the season finale of Glee,
when the cast was singing To Sir With Love, to Mr Schuester.
It was so touching. And everyone was crying too.
gah. I love Glee.
And I haven't even watched finish. I just skip to last episode with Valerie.
Today morning, went for tuition. Super tired.
And brain dead. Learnt bout Coordinate Geometry.
Draw a lotta graphs. It was good.
I was interested in it! Surprisingly.
Gah. Gonna send my brother to music school ltr.
Friday, July 9, 2010
I Can't Fight This Feeling Anymore.

Just did finish some camp things.
I had this headache for the whole day.
Like seriously, wtf.
But I didn't care. Just bear with it.
Had the camp selection thing.
Everyone who went was chosen. HAHA!
Can't wait.
HAHAH! it's coming sooooooo fast. gah.
I'm so tired. I like to blog. No idea why.
I love the RIV alumni.
When we gather, it's like, one big, ginormous family gathering.
We make friends so quickly, and we all accept each other.
I just love it.
Imma eating jackfruit! HAHA! I love it.
I love all my rvps seniors.
Imma lazy to blog already.
Goodnight, Earth.
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Borderline/Open Your Heart.
Borderline/Open Your Heart - Lea Michele & Cory Monteith (Rachel Berry & Finn Hudson)Something in the way you love me won't let me beI don't want to be your prisoner so baby won't you set me freeStop playin' with my heartFinish what you startWhen you make my love come downIf you want me let me knowBaby, let it showHoney, don't you fool aroundDon't try to resist meOpen your heart to me, babyI hold the lock and you hold the keyOpen your heart to me, darlin'I'll give you love if you, you turn the keySomething in your eyes is makin' such a fool of me
Your making me, you're making such a fool of me
I see you on the street and you walk on by
You're on the street,
I see you when you walk on by
When you hold me in your arms you love me till I just can't see.
So you choose to look the other way
Well I've got something to say
Open your heart to me, baby
I hold the lock and you hold the key
Open your heart to me, darlin'
I'll give you love if you, you turn the key
Open your heart, I'll make you love me
I hold the lock and you hold the key
Open your heart to me, darlin'
I'll give you love if you, you turn the key
Open you're heart with the key!
Every Now And Then I Fall Apart.

GAH! Imma so tired.
Sometimes, being a woman may suck, but PMS is the best excuse.
Or Period Pains. Those work. A lot.
But I'm so sad that I can't go drama today.
gah. And words can't really describe how much I hate Ms Teo.
Like what the heck. She doesn't look like she has any interest in teaching us.
And give us that sian face everytime she comes into class.
And use that sian tone also.
She complained that we were too noisy today.
Like use your brain, it's not meant for you to let it rot there.
It's the last lesson of the day, that's why everyone's so jumpy.
And just cos someone is laughing, does that mean you have to show her that sian look?
gah. idiotic. Not fit to teach us.
She greet us so sian, then we also sian then greet back her lor.
Andandand, I'm a monitor again. Not that I'd ever ask for it back.
Kai Lin just spoke to Mdm Tan.
gah. And have to wear the tie every day again.
Screw that. Other than that, I'm fine with everything.
Oh yeah.
Like, super cool right?
Now, have to wait for Spain vs. Netherlands.
Spain will win! Then it'll be their first World Cup title.
That's cool.
Oh, and tomorrow!
testtesttesttest. I'm so geared up for it!
I hate rats . HAHA!
Man, tomorrow's it. There'll be new people.
Can't wait to get to know new friends. It'll be super cool.
My social circle will be expanded :D
Although that's not the main point. I just wanna make new, good friends. That's all.
Monday, July 5, 2010
Sweet Dream, Or A Beautiful Nightmare.

Oh Golly.
It's been a few days already. HAHA!
Finally done with all my homework. Like a lotta last minute stuff.
And I finally changed my skin. YAY ME! gah.
I'm bombarding my phone with glee songs.
I like that.
These few days have been boring.
Except for the fact that I sms Dahlia and Aloysius a lot.
Aye, the Youth Day holiday passes pretty fast, yeah?
It doesn't even feel like a holiday.
I wanna watch Despicable Me!
And then I'm waiting for Harry Potter. HAHA!
I love it! GAH!
I shall save. And spend. And save. And spend. And save again.
11 more days!
Can't wait! (L)
Saturday, July 3, 2010
That Should Be Me.

I don't care if I get caught by whoever.
My hair shall grow long again.
like, screw schools and their disciplinary rules.
Why can't students do the stuffs that teachers can?
Is it just cos we're younger, and they have a higher ranking than us?
After all, we are all humans. We have rights.
I have the right to keep my hair.
fck them. don't think I'll just cut my hair cos they tell me to.
Why not they cut theirs first. GAH.
my life is so screwed. I freaking hate dnt.
Cos the teacher can't teach. Gah.
Mr Ilanggo, stupidly accused me of using my phone.
Screw that. Check time cannot uh?
As if there's a clock around in the freaking dnt room.
I hate school. There's still 9 more weeks of pure torture.
and even after that, we only get 1 week of holiday. We deserve more,
for putting up with the crap that teachers give. GAH.
What a screwed up life.
Just came back from meeting and lunch.
Bought stuff to eat at the void deck. Utterly disturbing.
HAHAHA! I wanted to cover my ears so badly. heehee.
Then Emily and Clinton came.
The rest went back. Emily, Clinton, Zheng Qian and I went to eat at kfc.
My drumstick looks depressing. Really depressing.
And when I had it changed, it was still the same.
With the slightest hint of improvement.
HAHA! Chitchatted loads. And went back home.
I gave Sarah her present, before going back up.
And I should be doing my homework now, but instead,
I'm cursing my teachers for asking me to get a haircut.
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Dancing With Myself.

It's been long.
Not really, actually 3 days.
Imma so tired. HAHA! Today had the Science Day thingy.
I enjoyed it lots.
Axel bluffed me about the "Cherry Flavoured Balloon".
yeah. I know. I believed him -.-
I think I'm too easy to fool. heehee.
bleh. I feel like sleeping.
GAH! so tired. I'm starting to like Geography.
I just yawned. gah. I just finished up Geography.
I think I shall watch Glee now.
This seems like a short post.
But whatever. My short term is so bad,
I can't remember what has happened these few days.
Not at all. HAHA!
I'm brain dead already.