Hey you! Yes you!
You think my 爱爱 very fun to bully arh?!
You think you so big right? yes, big in size?
Everytime you act, you think it's a good thing/.
Perhaps it's good for yourself only. Have you ever thought of how my 爱爱 would feel?
And you think a lotta people like you means you can anyhow change girlfriend?
Hop from one, change to another one, and go back to the same one.
Whatcha doing this for? For your reputation?
You think girls very easy to play?
You always never think of how others would feel like.
People look up to you and you're doing all this kinda nonsensical and childish stuff.
Then what you want? People to grow up and be like you?
Don't you dare treat my 爱爱 like a soccer ball, when in times you need her, then
you try your best to go close to her despite anything.
At times when you have other people to count on, you just kick her away.
She very fun to play with? I seriously from the start don't like you already.
I already advised my 爱爱 to stay away from you, but she didn't listen and I
respected that cos it's her own thinking, and it's only right if I do respect that.
I tell you, I can't stand your behaviour.
Do you really care about her? And look at her, she's not sleeping well.
She's sad everyday. Putting on a Happy mask so that others will not worry.
For me, I know her too well to think that it's real.
I want her to break all ties with you. But she wouldn't.
Seriously, I hate you. I hate the way you treat others.
What do people see in you anyway? I can't stand it already.
I have wanted to rant about this wayyy earlier than today.
But I can't take it, all my close friends are hurt enough.
If you want others to follow under your leadership,
act like a leader.
Do the right things, not wrong. Learn from mistakes and
change yourself.
I'm not a leader, and yet, I do know how to be one as I've learnt from my mistakes and I'm gonna change myself.
Mean what you say, and say what you really meanIf you don't want your girl to hang around with guys,
then don't flirt around with girls.
What's the problem with having friends of the opposite sex? Not like it's a criminal offense or anything right?
I don't even know why I waste time ranting about you.
It's not fun at all to have your heart broken again and again by the same person.
I know that, but do you? My 爱爱 knows that, but do you?
One day, when you actually experience
true heartbreak, you'll know how it feels like.
One day, when the whole world turns their back against you, you'll then know how it
really feels like.
One day, when you find yourself crying and crying cos of the same person, you'll know how my 爱爱 feels like.
And seriously, I don't care if you see this. I see no point in keeping this to myself. If you know who you are, and you want a confrontation, I couldn't care less.
The purpose of this whole thing, is not to provoke you, but rather to allow you to
changeI'm fed up, but I still have more things to say.
If you're not the kind who can always buy a present every month for your gans,
then don't commit to the whole gan-thingy.
Cos I can see that your gans are faithful to you, but you're not.
A true leader does not act this way, I know a few leaders, who are
real ones.
And they're the ones who inspired me to change, who helped me in my decision making, my problems, and my attitude. I'm ready to change. They were the ones, who, after all the encouragement they given, made me choose to try and start all over again.
Okay, I'm done ranting. For now.
Let's Get Crazy.

Yesterday was awesome fun.
I'll descibe the whole thing. HAHAHA.
The day started with Lynn and I haveing breakfast at Macs.
Clinton joined us, tho' he was late.
Then we ate, and we chatted.
Then like, some parts quite quiet, so we just looked at each other.
And Lynn kept on laughing for no reason.
HAHAHAHA! Then it was Lynn who asked Clinton along, but she also never talk to him.
HAHA! Then I showed them my WCV host handy guide.
And I asked Clinton how to pronounce the Russian hello.
Shit, that was so funny. HAHAHAHA.
Then more and more people joined us cos it was raining and we were gonna meet there.
Then Clinton left for home.
Then we walked to the 89 bus stop. Then we took the double deck one to downtown.
HAHHA. i emo-ed on the bus, cos that's what I always do.
Lynn was like : Cherry don't emo!
Then I just smiled and listened to my music.
When we reached e-hub, we went to the arcade and took neoprints.
Then we I bought the Tapz card and played Mario Kart
and some other games. I failed miserably at Mario Kart.
I super long never play already. HAHA!
Then Lynn and I took neoprints.
Then we went to NTUC to buy our stuffs.
Then, we went to the chalet after check in.
We played like crazy, then some of us went bowling.
The boys went first, then Samantha and I joined them later.
They waited for like, 10 plus people to bowl finish.
And they registered for 2 games.
So we took super long. When we came back, Louisa and the other girls were super pissed at us.
Like wtf lor, they can't blame us, we had to wait for so many people,
and we played 2 games some more.
So petty, then I just left it at that.
Then we BBQ-ed and waited for Ms Tham to come.
Finally, at 7-8 plus like that she came.
Then we all went crazy, and we took a lotta pictures with her.
Shihui and I gave her her present. Cute doggie/hamster thing.
Ms Tham said she saw that in Japan before.
Then we ate, and took some more pictures.
Then at 10plus, we helped clear up a bit.
Then I took a ride with LowJingYi home.
I was superbly tired. I woke up at 12 noon today.
I'm waiting for the freaking pictures to finish uploading.
Sian. HAHAH. So tired.
Ate 2 piece again. I swear I'm gonna get fat. HAHA!
Tuesday, June 15, 2010

heh, why must this always happen to me?
HAHAHA. I'm okay with it. HAHAH.
surprisingly. LOL.
OHWELLS. I will not let it affect anything.
Today had the World Culture Village Host Training Programme.
Conducted by Positive Intentions.
The name of the company is cooool.
The guy's name was Ethen. Seriously funny.
Then there was Danial. HAHAHAH!
And Kimberly! HAHAHAH. LOL.
all the 3 schools there laughed.
me too lah.
it was fun! but tiring. got home at 6.30
bathed, bought KFC back.
as usual. Stacey's flying to Japan today.
oooooooooops, I think I'm not right in the mind.
If you believe you can, you will succeed. On the other hand, if you believe you can't, then you won't succeed
Monday, June 14, 2010
I've Got A Confession

I'm not gonna tell.
HAHAHA, too many people know.
And besides, I'll feel awkward.
And I don't know if he falls under the 'really like' category.,
HAHAHA, there's a category.
Not good.
I almost cried last night. No idea why.
Perhaps it's cos of that, perhaps not.
Trying to cheer up.
But don't think I can. Just feeling down lately.
I'm not sure why.
I want to, but I'm afraid.
I want to so badly.
Oh, awesome, now I feel like exploding in a pool of tears.
Got tuition later on. that sucks. HAHAHA.
Okay. HAHA.
I'll sing. HAHAHAH!
Saturday, June 12, 2010
Webcamming with Dahliaa!

HAHAHHA. We webcammed again.
And Dahlia heard me singing.
That was unintentional. HAHAHHAH!
Then we talked, and we tied up our hair anyhow.
2 pigtails and we put our fringe up.
And she did PINEAPPLE!
HAHAHAHHAHAHAH! I'm crazyyyyy.
Ohshit, I LOVE
Especially a certain type.
Can't say here! HAHHAHAHAHH!
I'm done!!!!!!!! HHAHAHAHAH. :D
okayys, I'm MAD. :D
That's a good thing, right?
Friday, June 11, 2010

HAHAHAH. I webcammed with Dahlia yesterday.
And I took some pictures with my handphone.
So yeah, it looked super blurry.
I MISS YOU DAHLIAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!Super long never see her already.
Okay, in a face to face way.
okay, face to face, meaning really face to face.
Not on webcam.
Went to Compass to meet my friends.
Supposedly supposed to meet at 7.30
But being the usual early bird, I came at 5.30
Ohwells, the library's always there, right?
And my answer to that is, Yes, it is always there. HAHAHAHA!
Then chatted and some ate at Burger King.
I have a strong dislike for BK, cos when I go there,
I have no idea what burgers to eat.
And also, there's the money issue. Their burgers are super expensive.
Like what, do you put gold bars in them?
Obviously not. Then when the old lady wanted to clean my table,
She called my friends uncle.
Then we were like, WAHAHAHAHHAAHHAH!
Had a good laugh. Then we went nearby to do smth.
Then chatted and chatted until 10++
Then some of us walked home.
Then got home, showered and ate my noodles!
Super excited for P4 camp! Even though it's gonna be a super long wait.
HAHAH, I can bear with it. I can. I super can.
It hurts to know that I don't stand a chance with you Just put on a fake face when I see you, that's all. :D
Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Yesterday was awesomeee.
Met at Compass at 3.45pm.
I reached like, 15 minutes earlier.
But the only person I saw was Zheng Qian lingering around.
Then I just walked and walked around.
I think I looked like a retard. Keep on walking around doing nothing.
Then Joshua came, and Ben and then Clinton.
Edward and Emily were going themselves.
Then bused to Woodlands interchange,
then bused again to Bukit Gombak, Home Team NS there.
Then wait and wait and wait until sian.
Then Alastair came. Then Emily and Edward came.
They took cab. Then we waited and waited.
Then Mr Zaki, Mr Budiman, Ms Ng and Mr Fairus came.
Then we chose our groups. Zheng Qian, Joshua and Clinton were in my team.
We wrote down our alias.
Joshua was 'Stupid' , I was 'Retard', Zheng Qian was 'Clever' and
Clinton was 'Perfect'. -.-
Then when the person handed out the stuffs, I was laughing like mad.
I got called Retard.
Then we started playing Laser Tag.
Emily went in and kept on screaming, like crazy.
We shot each other a lotta times. Then I kenna shot a lotta times also.
So minus a lotta marks. Emily and I were on the same boat. HAHAHHA xD
Then at the end, the Red team, which was Emily's, won.
HAHAHA, then my group lost. Cos I'm a true retard!
Then second round, the teachers never play.
So I improved a bit. At the end, my team won. by 300plus points.
And Joshua was like, "TOTAL OWNAGE!"
HAHAHHA. I improved. I moved to second last. Emily last.
She got shot by me many times. Then the teachers went home.
And the rest of us bowled. While we waited for our turn,
we celebrated Alastair's fake birthday. We wanted to smash.
But ended up just smearing cream on people. I was the only one who never! :D
And Alastair went one corner emo, while we ate the cake.
'nicely' cut by Joshua. HAHAH.
Then finally our turn to bowl. Joshua guttered on his first round.
Then Edward guttered everytime. Then somehow, I guttered some, while I knocked some.
Emily too. Then in the end, the winner was Clinton. 2 points ahead of ZQ.
HAHAHAH. Like, ZQ let him win one. He double striked. HAHAHAHS :D
scoreboard.Then it was getting late, so we walked to Bukit Gombak mrt station.
We were talking a lot on the way.
Then we got out of Khatib. and we talked a lot in the train too.
Then we 85-ed to the polive station near Compass. And we walked to compass.
Then Emily had to go home, so Edward sent her back.
Then the rest of us went Subway to eat our superrrr late dinner.
Then after that, Me, Clinton and Ben lrt-ed,
while the rest walked or bused.
Then Clinton sent me home. God knows, he actually lived around the same area of blocks. Then I used my phone msn Emily.
And told her smth. HAHAHHAAH, which I'm not telling. :D
Then sms-ed like crazy or smth like that.
And finally slept.
What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
I Hate Being A Woman Sometimes.

At times, I just super hate being a woman.
For some womanly reasons.
I woke up at 4.50am. And had to wash my freaking bedsheet and shorts.
And everything else.
Stupid. I hate when it arrives unexpectedly.
It super pisses me off.
Ohwells, going out later to play.
But I'm still pissed.
hehehehehhe, I super love Tom Felton!
I feel like reading Harry Potter all over again.
But I just wanna read the last 2 books.
Gonna search the library later. -.-
oh, it's 1pm. that fast.
I thought it was 11am.
Cos I woke up late.
I woke up at 10.50 am.
Super sleepy. But still have to go out. !
There is no telling how many miles you will have to run while chasing a dream.
Monday, June 7, 2010
The Winners.

Just watched the MTV Movie Awards.
Best Female Performance : Kristen Stewart, New Moon (WTF?! She doesn't deserve it!)
Best Breakout Star : Anna Kendrick, Up In The Air
Best scared-as-shit Performance : Amanda Seyfried, Jennifer's Body (:D)
Best Kiss : Kristen Stewart & Robert Pattinson, New Moon (WTF?! The kiss was stupid)
MTV Generation Award : Sandra Bullock (She totally deserved it, she was awesome)
Best WTF Moment : KEn Jeong, The Hangover (He said this:"Me and my penis would like to thank..."
Best Villain :
Tom Felton , Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (Totally deserved it, I heart him ttm)
Biggest Badass Star : Rain, Ninja Warrior
Best Male Performance : Robert Pattinson, New Moon (wtf?! His acting sucks crap!)
Global Superstar : Robert Pattinson (WTF?! Should have been Danial Radcliffe)
Best Comedic Performance : Zac Galifianakis
Best Movie : New Moon (Harry Potter deserved it more!)
Best Fight : Beyonce vs. Ali Larter, Obsessed
Shit luhs.
New Moon snatched everything away from Harry Potter.
Damn it. New Moon was not as good as Harry Potter.
How I wish The Twilight Saga was never created in the first place.
Like seriously, Edward and Jacob are fictional,
they will never love you.
Give it up. And RPattz's acting is sucky.
Cannot compare to Harry Potter.
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Nothing Much,

Nothing much to do now, except watch MTV Chart Attack!
Never fails to brighten my mornings.
And I desperately needa watch a movie.
I haven't been watching one in ages.
HAHAHHAH. Maybe the Killers?
Or Shrek? Or Marmaduke?
I'm not sure anyways.
I'm super bored now.
Can someone do something to brighten up this boring day?
Don't think so anyways. LOL.
I've been crazily sms-ing Dahlia for 5 days.
HAHHAH. sometimes run out of topics, but then start sms-ing again.
Oh! I know! I'm gonna do my polyvore again. Since it's so dead.
I just borrowed a book, called : Dirty, Sexy Knitting.
HAAHHS. I'm gonna Polyvoreeee!
Saturday, June 5, 2010
The Ride Of My Life

okayy, I'm waiting and waiting and waiting
for the P4 Camp. I'm waiting and waiting and waiting and waiting.
Sianzxc, oh shit! I just typed zxc,
I think I've gone mad. I hate zxc.
Ohwells. HAHAHAH.
On I think, Tuesday, ate early lunch with Joshua and Dahlia.
Had to watch people PDA. And Joshua said he wouldn't.
HAHAHAHS, I've been sms-ing like crazy for 4-5 days now,.
But my fingers don't really ache a lot.
Had Fish & Co. a few days ago.
I had the New York Fish N Chips.
wahseh, super delicious. There's cheese in the fish!
That tasted superbly heavenly.
Haven't touched the comp in so long.
MONDAY!! Can't wait for Monday,
No, I may not be going to Jiajie's bash.
But I'm definitely going to watch the MTV Movie Awards! Live!
Finally! I get to watch a Live telecast.
After so many years of watching encores.
oh oh, and I can't wait for the 16th!
It's gonna be my 6B bbq.
So many things to look forward to! I simply can't wait!
I'm simply having the ride of my life.
What I'd just mentioned, was the peak of the ride, where the view is AWESOME.
Now, how does it feel like, to not be included in something.
That your so called 'good friend' organised for another 'friend'
Ohwells, maybe for them, they treat it as yet another advanced
birthday outing without me,
but really, you claimed that you're my friend, yet you don't act like you really are.
You asked me for forgiveness, and I forgave you,
but did you really mean anything you said.
Cos I meant what I said. You said you would change,
yeah. My stinky foot.
Nice try there. If you really know how I feel and wanna change,
act like it. Cos the words you speak don't matter at all.
It's the actions that count, yeah?
Yet another waste of time being unhappy.
Ohwells, that was just somewhere at the bottom of the ride.
How I wish I could always stay at the top.
Like a good friend once said ,
" Maybe right now, you're at the bottom of the ferris wheel. But wait till you get to the peak."
No matter how long it takes, I'll wait till I really get to the peak.
And stay there and be happy forever. :D
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Desperately Need To Punch Someone.

Oh gosh. I'm super angry.
Knowing that I had to go to school, my mum still asked
me to fetch my brother and sister to school.
And I'm not even feeling well.
Usually, I only set my alarm so that when I wake up,
I will have perfectly enough time to get ready and go to school.
Then cannot already la.
Then my sister and brother gave super alotta troubles.
My sister says she lost her wallet, and she took 10 minutes to find it.
It was right under a piece of paper on the coffee table.
Right in front of her. like wtf?!
Then my brother, every morning, wake up
only know how to cry for my mother. Cry, cry and cry.
I could practically rip my hair off bothering about these 2 young ones.
So I'm not in school. Cos I'm not feeling well. yeahh.
And I'm thoroughly freaked out about something.
Something that I won't say. It's just.
Like, aiyoohhhs. I'm not sure how to say it here.
But I told some of my trusted friends. And had their opinions.
Listen to this one : Just tell him that your grandma's gonna give birth, to your new uncle/aunt.
WOW. nice one.
Sheesh, I'm just angry and freaked.
Have to read my Bible later. :D