1.Who knows the real you?
>My family
2.When was the last time you went out?
3.If you could kiss anyone who would it be?
>Oh wells,why should I tell
4.What song are you listening to?
5.Who does it reminds you of(refer to qn4)?
> Tht someone
6.Last movie you watched?
7.Which of your best friends live closest to you?
>Jia Yi, Lynn, Shi Hui, Louisa
8.What is your favourite shirt?
9.Do you drive?
10.What did you do yesterday?
11.Do you wear contacts or glasses?
12.Do you trust your friends?
>Yupps, MOST of them.
13.Who was the last person to call you?
14.What annoys you?
15.Do you want multiple piercing?
>Not really
16.Your fav song in your player?
>Don't Wanna Miss A Thing-Aerosmith
17.Last time you went to the mall?
18.What was the last thing you ate?
>BBQ Chicken Wing
19.Which of you friends would make the best room mate?
>Le Xuan,Julia,Francesca,Kethleen(blah,blah...usually rhose I hang out with and talk to)
20.Last thing you purchased?
>Jay Chou DVD
21.Last vacation you were in?
>Vietnam or Malaysia
22.Do people ever spell your name wrongly?
>Yupps, as Chery
23.What's the last compliment you received?
>Strictly forgotten
24.Who was the last friend you hugged?
>Never really hugged anyone before
25.Which celeb are you eye candying?
>Ed Westwick/Chace Crawford
26.What's next on your wishlist?
>Endless Money
27.Which band's concert would you want to go to?
>Hard to choose...hmms...
28.What colour are your nails?
29.Date down a special day for you other than your birthday.
30.In just one word, describe yourself.
>Hot-tempered and many other words
Tag 5 people to do this quiz(Please Do[:)
so bloody tired,
went to pulau ubin for bbq,
my limbs are gonna drop le......
Friday, May 29, 2009
1. Put ur music songs on shuffle. All ans r required 2 be in song title.
2. Aftr ans, plz oso ans a comment of tat!
3. Tag 5 ppl 2 do ths quiz!
1. Wat is de song u wn 2 dedicate 2 ur CRUSH?
>UNbeautiful[Lesley Roy]
>o.O not much sense there,but i get it...
2. Wat is de song u wn 2 dedicate 2 ur FRENX?
>Takin' Back My Love(Enrique Iglesias and Ciara)
>I don't hate friends:D
3. What is ur feelin nw?
>What Hurts the Most(Rascal Flatts)
>I really hurt...=.=
4. What do u wish 2 hav in u for PSLE?
>Gone With the Wind(Vanessa Hudgens)
>NO??!!marks gone le...byess
5. Hw do u describe ur teachr?
>Forgive me(Leona Lewis)
>No,don't forgive me
6. Wat do u say 2 ur CRUSH when he/she has broken up wif their bf/gf?
>Paper Cut(Vanessa Hudgens)
>Breaking up can be really painful...
7. Wat do u use 2 cheer ur FRENX up when they r heartbroken?
>Bye Bye(Maraih Carey)
>Say bye to all worries...BE FREE!!!
8. Wat maks u upset? (Any ways)
>No Boundaries(Kris Allen)
>Yarhs..having no boundaries can suck,no challenge
9. Wat do u tink u r?
>On the Line(Demi Lovato and Jonas Brothers)
>Hi, Bye.I'm talking crap.please ignore...
10. Wat do u wish ur fren & his/her crush when their relationship is forbidden? (Bt they dun care)
>Until You're Mine(Demi Lovato)
>Wait and try until he/she is yours..
Tag: (Please do [:)
>Le Xuan
>Hui Ting
computer having problems.
cant upload pics on facebook...
so boring boring boring
eng got the highest in class and
position 7 in class.....
ohs,my all time fav song is: I don't wanna miss a thing-Aerosmith
'I don't wanna close my eyes,I don't wanna fall asleep cos' I'd miss
you babe,and I don't wanna miss a thing.And even when I dream of you,
the sweetest thing'll never do I'd still miss you babe,
and I don't wanna miss a thing'
such lovely lyrics,
reminds me of someone........
Friday, May 22, 2009
frustrated, so i vented anger
into playing table soccer,
in the gym now,
probably waiting for my mum
so GREAT that Kris Allen WON!!!!
but also sad that Adam Lambert lost,
Tang and Goh
arghs.keep mixing up the two shannons...
haven't made up my mind about kingsfield,
i know i won't listen to class when i go there
but my mum wants me to go....
nothing much to write about,
my results improved a bit from last term
happy about that
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Here's a spoiler,
Kris Allen won American Idol!!!!!!!
feeling happy but a bit sad about that...
my maths got 84/100
and science got 71.5/100
in the comp lab now,
just checking through emails and stuffs
I WANT FOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
xinjie drew a face on my hands.arghs.
it was meant to look like susan boyle,
but not really
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
i have the strange feeling that Adam LAmbert gonna win
dunno why,
my results.
EL:78.5/95(2nd highest in class for paper 2)
so average
i'm not that satisfied
and i know i will not also
when it comes to the last two papers
confirm very low one lor
maybe fail??!!
i dunnno
very paranoid cos i now i suck in those areas
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
had fire drill today before PE
I de-proved by 5sec
9min45sec was my record.
slow nia!!!!!!!
ok,I still hate that DOG sitting beside me
really is a dog lor,and a female one.....
keep on trying to be unreasonable with me
played table soccer today,
my skills flew away,
but came back in a while,
stupid karang guni keep wanting me to sell the old tv and comp.
so i must lie to him that
my parents work until very late,
can't wait to get back my results,
see if good or bad
good than good lor,
bad than bad lor
good luck!
Monday, May 18, 2009
sitting wif fweaks
especially the female.....
she never do ancient work still dare copy mine,
still call me bossy,
i hope she looks in the mirror and get such a big shock
that something bad happens
today we had the cyber wellness talk
so no computer lab for today
there's this girl who was offered sex for 500 bucks,
mingyi ask me to be careful.
do i look that stupid??!!
sometimes yes,
but not all the time,
during CL,took the stuffing out of lynn's toy
and stretched it and play.
arghs.marcus tan stretched it and put it at his nose
and said it was his mucus......BLECH!!!
then we play whole of CL
then finally the thing was returned to me
Saturday, May 16, 2009
MY LIFE SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!
Monday, May 11, 2009
I have finally changed the friggin blogskin
couldn't find nicer ones and this really was\
my favourite.
gonna watch Amazing Race
last episode,
hope Tammy and Victor wins this
Allison got out, how sad
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Watching ToGetHer now,
last episode and its gona be th only one i watch
wanted to watch all along but have no time
reasons why I hate him in random order:
1.Too short
2.Too ugly
3.Spiky hair
4.Only knows vulgarities
5.Actions don't speak for words
6.Not Caring
7.Act Emo
8.Think he's so cool but isn't
9.Lousy foosball skills
10.Always talks when his mouth is full like shit
12.Act Smart
13.#1 freak in my class
14.Rude, even when he tries not to
15.No one like him before
Saturday, May 2, 2009
so my friend and I brainstormed
and here is:
1.He very rude
2.Not caring AT ALL
3.Very monotonous when her speaks
4.Acts like he doesn't care
5.Very violent
6.Nobody has liked him before
7.Very act
8.He thinks he's cool but is SOOOOO NOT
9.Very act EMO
11.Not attractive
12.Mean liar
If the person is reading this,
He should be happy that I bothered to post about a few of his many flaws....
IDK if its very embarassing
STOP HARASSING ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!