Starting Time: 19.21 pm
Shoe Size: US 10..........very big right??!! inherited from my mother
Height: 165 cm
Where do you live: Opposite North Spring....don't come looking for me hors!?
Favourite Drinks: DIET coke/pepsi MAX, iced milo etc.
Have You Ever---
Been on a plane: yups.
Fallen asleep in school: not really but almost
Broken someone's heart: no way...i don't even think anyone likes me at all
Fell off a chair: loads.
Sat by the phone all night waiting for someone to call: no. it's lame. very
boliaoSaved e-mails: another lame activity. no..
What is your room like: it's really really really messy especially at the wouldn't want to go in.
What is the last thing you ate: dinner. rice. soup. potatoes. trying to go on a diet here.
Have you had chicken pox: yes, when i was about 2-4 years old..
Sorethroat: Yes
Broken Nose: obvs not.
Do you believe in love at first sight: a 100% YES!!! if only it could actually happen to me.
Like picnics: quite ok larhs. seldom go to any.
Who was the last person---
You danced with: myself. tt's how lonely i actually am
Last person who made you smile: my sisters.
You last yelled at: my sisters.
Today did you---
Talk to someone you like: not really...does MSN count??
Kiss someone: no, not ever in my life besides my parents. but, would lurve to.
Fall sick: nopes.
Talk to an ex: no. no exes at all.
Miss someone: YES, YES and triple YES
Eat: er........yups
Best feeling in the world: would be to spend time with that special someone. and being with loved ones.
Do you sleep with stuffed animals: yes, but only 1!!! a lamb/sheep or smth.
What's under your bed: a MONSTER!!!!!!!!!! not. there's nothing underneath.except maybe...AIR.
Who do you really hate: should know who they are...dunno then ask me lor
What time is it now: 19.32pm
Is there a person who is in your mind now: YES!!!!!!!
Do you have any siblings: 3 siblings. 2 sisters and a brother.
Do you want any children: yups. in the future
Do you smile often: not really that often, but yes.
Do you like your handwriting: maybe...mixed feelings..
Are your toenails painted:, but i'll remove and change to black or any other colour or smth
Who's bed would you rather sleep in other than yours: a celebrity's...supposed to be comfy and stuff
What colour shirt are you wearing now: green..with a tweety bird on it....few yearss ago der, surprised it still fits
What were you doing at 7pm yesterday: being a geek at compasspoint library...basically borrowing books
You cant wait till: 14/01/ birthday!!!
Are you a friendly person: yes. but some people don't appreciate my friendliness
Do you have any pets: yups. but mostly given away or died...not my fault.
Where is the person you have feeling for right now: probably enjoying fine dining or at home playing maple
Did the last person you held hands with means anything to you: never really held hands before. only with my parents.
Do you sleep with the TV on: not really. it's a waste of electricity
Have you ever crawled through the window: nopes. i'm too FAT to do tt.
Are you too forgiving: not really. i'm learning to be more heartless....not.
Are you closer to your mother or your father: MUMMY!!!!!!
Who was the last person you cried in front of: the TV. watched 小娘惹, Yousuke and Juxiang die tt part. other than tt not really any human being.
How many people can you say you really loved: not really a lot...but a few
Do you eat healthy: sometimes. hate veggies but i do eat fruit
Do you still have your pictures of you and your ex: like i said...i have no exes..
Have you ever cried of something someone said to you: yes.i'm a softie, especially when i get scolded.i can cry, just tt no one, other than family, has seen me cry.
If you are having a bad day,who are you most lightly to go to: Le Xuan, Francesca, Charlene, Pei Sheng and Denzyl..(my 5 besties!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
Are you loud or quiet most of the time: mix of both.
Are you confident: depends.
5 things i was doing 10 years ago: 1 years old. hmm...probs, eating, sleeping, crawling, crying, laughing.
5 things i have on your to-do-list today: sleep, eat, say byes cos going taipei tmr, read and shower
5 things i would do if i am a billionaire: buy a HUGE house for my parents, and another HUGE house for my siblings and myself, buy stuffs for my 5 besties, all 5 besties and myself go on holiday somewhr and whole family vacation
5 of my bad habits: talkative, rude, a bit unhygienic, antisocial and glutton(sometimes)
5 places i lived in: my house, my old house in Geylang Bahru(my grannie's), my cousin's(Jess) house, my aunt's house, my cousins(Fiona,Sharon,Will and Ivan) house in Perth, Australia.
5 jobs i have had: too young for any....but i managed a blogshop before...does tt count???
Tag 8 people to do this quiz: Wendy, Charlene, Le Xuan, Joleen, Lynn, Anne, Le Qi, Jia Yi
Saturday, December 6, 2008
so freaking tired lehs.....
came back from Compasspoint at about 8. 15 pm
bought Narnia Prince Caspian and a power ranger operation overdrive
prince caspian for myself and operation overdirve for my brother..
ate at the kopitiam and borrowed 4 books.
i'am such a geek when it comes to books...
sianning right now cos my brother watching power rangers...
i hate kiddy shows and stuff like that....not fun der...
going to taipei soon....
my flight is 8 am this coming monday.....
should have enough money to buy the remaining xmas gifts.......
zz...saw a few people at compasspoint...
so unlucky sia....
my dad say i look very mature or smth...
i was wearing a pink kimono top and black leggings.....
and smth else unlucky, my bag broke...
then i had to carry it like a piece of bulk thingy...
and i only had it for a few months....
david cook rox!!!!!!!!!
and paisehs.....maple-ed for too long...
must take break liao...easily addicted to it
Thursday, December 4, 2008
1. Who is the person that tagged you?
> Le Xuan
2.Relationship between you & her?
> BFF!!
3. 5 impressions about her?
> FANTASTIC!!!, Great Friend, Responsible, Helpful, Caring
4. If she becomes your enemy, you will?
> Lock myself in the room and...CRY!!! jk....i will solve the prob
5.What will you say to the person you like very much?
> I like u!!!
6.Characteristics I like about myself?
> none
7. Characteristics I hate about myself?
> everything (eg. big mouth, looks etc.)
8. For the person whom you hate, you say?
> We are strictly playing the silent game
9. What do people feel about you?
> Cheerful, some say cute (not joking!!), a gd fren and the most dreaded.... UGLY!!!
10. Pass this to 10 people.
> Le Xuan, Gladys, Francesca, Denzyl, Pei Sheng, Lynn, Wynn, Wee Lin, Jian Liang, Andrea
11. If 3 & 2 were together? [Francesca and Gladys]
> ok....not great. they don't even know each other....i think
12. Who does 1 likes? [Le Xuan]
> that's for me to know and for you to find out..
13. What colours does 7 like? [Wynn]
> not that sure and white
14. Say something about 8? [Wee Lin]
> kawaii desu ne!!!!
15. Who is 1? [Le Xuan]
> One of my Bestest Friends!
16. Talk about 10? [Andrea]
> good friend!!
17. Who is 4's bestfriends? [Denzyl]
> maybe Pei Sheng??
18. Who is sexiest among all the 10 people?
> Andrea...i think. Prettiest should be...Wynn.
19. What colours does 6 like? [Lynn]
>maybe pink...
20. Is 5 Single? [Pei Sheng]
> yups. but he has some crushes of his own....=)
21. Relationship between 10? [Andrea]
> good friends
22. Are 10 & 7 best friends? [Wynn and Andrea]
> barely
23. 8's Surname? [Wee Lin]
24. 1's Nickname? [Le Xuan]
> To me is "xuan" and "jade"
25. Say something to 3? [Francesca]
> neaxt year our seperate ways le!!! miss eu!!!
26. Say something to help 6? [Lynn]
> jyjy in your wish to grow taller!!!
27. Who does 3 admire? [Francesca]
> not telling....
28. Where does 2 live? [Gladys]
> Near Me!!
29. Who know's who you like?
> Le Xuan, Denzyl and Pei Sheng.....but don't go asking!!!
30. Say something to 7 when you see her? [Wynn]
> will miss you next year!!!gd luck!!!
31. 10's spouse? [Andrea]
>not sure if she has 1...but confirm will have ppl like her
32. Name 5 people to do this quiz!
> Charlene, Stacey, Wendy, Denzyl and Pei Sheng
done mapling for the day
that's why never update sooo long
paiseh uhs...
anyways, must go liao....not for maple larh...