now sooo damn sian...
just came back from shopping
at Ban Tanh Market and Saigon Square
hv a lot of inspired (FAKE) stuff...
spent almost all my remaining money there...
ban tanh market not sooo many stuffs to buy
while saigon square can shop like damn siao!!!!
and bought some xmas gifts for some ppl...
morning went to play golf....
golf was damn great...
my longest distance was 125m
i have my wonderful golf coach to thank for this...
*thanks coach trent!!!!!!*
anyways, my friend have the same golf coach as me larhs..
so coincidentally...
anyways...i beat my buddy in golf and proud of it....
saw some qian jin xiao jie and shao nian over there
my host family say they went to study in USA
they just came back last year...
no wonder they can speak fluent english....
and one look at them you know they are spoiled already....
who wears miniskirt to golf??!!
ate vietnam food for lunch...
yummy sia
especially the beef noodle.....NICE...oishii!!!!!
and for dinner ate sushi while the rest of the family ate korean food....
didn't finish some....but after that i ate
2 scoops of ice-cream, mango and chocolate
and a xmas tree shaped biscuit...
really really miss all of you guys...
and to some ppl: dajie miss u a lot!!!
oh yarh, btw, on our way back home, we saw a black garbage bag...
a woman's legs was sticking out of it....
she was either dead or alive...
many ppl crowded around
but i stayed in the car....
i was like *ewwwww....gross....damn freaky sia!!!**
srsly...THIS IS NOT A JOKE!!
Friday, November 21, 2008
hoot hoot!!!!!!!!!
can finally get through to blogger!!!
anyways, in Vietnam now....
at the host family's place doing nothing...
these few days have been happy yet disappointing...
happy part is that i finally have more friends...
disappointing part is....
spent almost all my money.....
have $40 left only....
sad ....
during the weekends i'm gonna....
go play golf.......not so good at it...
go the imitation market...where everything is 'inspired' (fake)
!!!!!!!!!!!!the word that appeals to me the most!!!!
but other than that......
eating is still my best hobby....
miss you guys.....
have yet to buy stuffs back....
chewed a lot of bubble gum....but
unfortunately couldn't blow it.....
=( must learn sia!!!! host family is Korean de.....
that means kimchi everyday for dinner....
but they cook it too spicy...hahahs...
have to go bathe.......
if u want to find out more....
drop me an email!!
miss you!!!!
Monday, November 17, 2008
today had vietnam lesson,
went through the songs and practised many many times,
listening to Chinese songs right now,
and have no idea why...
cos i prefer english songs,
vietnam tomorrow,
miss you guys,
i will not forget about the xmas prezzies larh,
will get for those i care about,
like LeXuan and frens...
anyways, he completely betrayed my sister,
now Char don't friend my sister liao.
won't tell you guys who larh,
just guess,
and as usual,
i'll be the peacemaker, making peace and getting them back together,
see you guys on the after i come back from vietnam!!
Saturday, November 15, 2008
sadly, i'm sad...
on the bright side, going to a diff. class next year...
feeling down sia, but still quite happy!!
goignt o vietnam soon,
gonna miss all of you guys.
don't worry, won't forget about the xmas prezzies for everyone..
santa claus is here!!!!
can't wait for the new year to start.
want to get the PSLE over and done with..zz
ytd night went to Swensen's for supper.
had vietnam lesson today morning, *yawns*
after that went to eat lunch at the food court with mum and Ms Tham...
ate noodles.
went home by myself,
bought fries, potato chips and lolipops
with the $15 that my mum gave me for my exam results,
wodering if i should wear my waliking shoes or sport shoes,
sport shoes more comfortable but walking shoes very nice looking
i think i support the sport shoes ba.
even though it doesn't look that nice.
wanted to buy a pair of Converse for this, but my friend say don't
so i followed the advice lor
anyways, my foot too big,
i don't think can find size der...
Friday, November 14, 2008
tired sia,
today emcee-ed the Speech Day,
bloody tired,
got many people to autograph,
got 2 compliments saying that my voice very nice / emcee very good
not trying to be haolian here,
anways, collected my blazer for the Vietnam homestay,
tomorrow have the lesson again.
can't wait sia,
anyways, after that went into PE office to help Ms Lim clear up,
we almost went insane inside there,
all go high on the last day of school....
went to KFC with Ms Lim, Ms Ng and friends,
ate spicy chicken,
like, burning hot........
almost died,
but still,
i love oily food....
makes me FAT...
saw Faiz there, he don't want ppl to know that he's there,
but turns out, everyone knows.
lastly, hasta la vista everyone,
time to say goodbye,
happy hols and see you in another 6 weeks time!!
Thursday, November 13, 2008
In the gym room right now...zz
very sian,
got to know more about my 6B mates...
ms tham paired me up with Ming Yi....
suay, Zhang YiJia in 6B
he can go 6A de, but he request to go 6B..
can't believe how unlucky i'am to be in the same class as YiJie,
on the bright side, at least some of my frens also in 6B,
happy about that,
had Speech Day rehearsal today.
tomorrow is the real thing,
i can almost feel it....
brought my autograph book today and had
many P6 to sign it...zzz
still not satisfied...
also let next year 6A people sign
cos will not be seeing much of them...
gonna miss Le Xuan, Francesca and Geng Wei...
and lastly,
sorry Denzyl, really feel bad for misunderstanding you...
although i'am forgiven, still feel so guilty about this....
sorry x100000
really really sorry....
*guilt ridden*
its alway like this....
even though the person forgive me i still feel guilty and sad...
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
today have Speech Day Rehearsal..
emcee-ing it. so tired liao leh...
very happy today..
level position is: 51/396
probs going 6B next year.
don't need to see most of my class ppl le...
and NAPFA got ole!!
my dream come true lerh!!!!!
so happy until i actually played catching,
which i don't really do...
agreed to help out neaxt year with the P1s....
i lurve to help,
and i have no idea why....
damn sian these days,
only 2 more days till the end,
the last long holiday before P6,
a.k.a PRISON!!!
must treasure this holidays
going to say bye to all P6 liao...
tatas, i'll miss you guys!!!
just wish time would freeze so that goodbyes would not have to be said....
chirstmas prezzies!!!!
Monday, November 10, 2008
omgg, i'm gonna emcee speech day
*bites nails*
so you see how nervous i'am?
i have to memorise chunks of stuff,
but i still a bit happy larh..
today played a bit of rewujie,
then i got really tired of playing it,
so here i'am blogging..
hope next year will not be in 6A...
because all same classmates,
and i hate them..
all treat me so bad,
like to make fun of me every single freaking day..
and make me sad.. :(
hai, actually, i don't really have any good friends or real friends
except for a few,
i'll describe myself as a loner..yups!
going inline skating with 5C,
don't need to see my class!!
see how happy i'am!! :)
today had Vietnam thing...
leaving next week already,
gonna miss everyone except almost the whole of 5A.
tomorrow going to bring autograph book to school
to let P6 friends sign and write down contact number etc.
gonna miss them all when they leave...
Sunday, November 9, 2008
got my new speccies today.
stace say i look like a matured woman.
i mean, do i look that old??!!
tell me wad u want for xmas,
maybe can buy for you..
so friggin tired from yesterday.
had a great performance, did better than expected of us..
didn't really feel nervous or anything.
braided my hair and put on make up.
with the blusher i look like a Barbie doll...eww
people say i look cute..*giggles*
ok larh, maybe a bit cute...hehe
finale item very nice..
when i exiting, saw Denzyl
he took one look at me and laughed.
must be my makeup and braids
then i also laugh until i walk out of the Expo hall...
took the shuttle bus back to school
had fun in there, laughing and jokes...
when i got back to school, had to wait for almost more than 30 min for my mum to arrive..
after that, whole family went to Rivervale Mall McDonald's
and guess who i saw?
Denzyl trying to conceal laughter when he saw us.he was eating with his friend.
omgg, do i look that funny??!!
anyways, happy that this whole thing is over.
i wish time could freeze so that next year i won't have to graduate..
Friday, November 7, 2008
today never go to school 'cos went to Expo to rehearse for tomorrow.
the big day is coming!!!
excited yet nervous at the same time.....
hope i would do well. anyways, these few days,
tcr say that we have improved quite a bit....
yay...i'm so sarcastic
they keep changing finale position...
confused le...
hope you guys will root for me tomorrow...!!
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
yesterday went to watch High School Musical 3: Senior Year...
it rocked, well, the songs rocked more but who cares,
quite touching.
my parents halfway thru come in to the cinema with us,
they sat behind us and we didn't know until Zess told us.
my most fave songs are : Can I Have This Dance and The Boyz Are Back.
other than those, all quite ok.
can't believe it, tomorrow have rehearsal and P4s dunnid to go...
sad. and unfair.
friday going to Singapore Expo to rehearse.
then tmr need to bring costumes for all actors/actresses.haizz.
at least tchr say today we improved a lot.
lolls, hard work eventually pays off.
Monday, November 3, 2008
omgg, found out something huge today, but...
will not tell you guys 'cause it's a HUGE secret...hahahs
today as usual, had rehearsal..went quite smoothly
except for the fact that Ms Ng screamed at us for not shouting or crying
for the dying scene...
we also learnt the dancing part for the Next Leap..zz
quite easy larh, but for the 4 dance grps harder moves, only slightly harder...
while rehearsal have the Teochew Opera part,
it's very funny leh.
acted by a guy called Scott and a gal called Terri..lolls
Teochew Opera where got 2 ppl only??!!
and we observed that they were not that interested, they were not smiling
so teacher tell them off lor
teacher say we improve a bit lor...
got drenched badly while going back home, whole body soaked with water..
but I enjoyed the feeling larh...very shuang
Sunday, November 2, 2008
deja vu much??!!
yesterday saw Lester at CompassPoint Mcdonald's
today saw him at Rivervale Mall...lolls.
went Plaza Singapura today. My mum said she saw Benedict and gang there..
I saw his mum...lolls..
other than that, there's practically nothing else to talk about here...zz
went to Optical 88 to change speccies..they are in black and red...
both colours make a great combi..zz
anyways, at Plaza Singapura saw an actor from the Yang Sisters. He at Carls Jr. eating.
my mum say she saw Zoe Tay at spotlight, not much interest in there. hahas,
dreading to go to school tomorrow, whole week have rehearsals for the 10th anniversary..zz
I only Tuesday can watch HSM3, I think. That's what my dad said.
so desperate to watch it...think it should be nice luh...
hope I can make it through life until the hols..
I sooo won't be telling who I gonna give christmas prezzies to...
it's supposed to be a secret...hush-hush..=p
but I'll get really nice stuff larh, 'cause I treasure friends unlike some people..
*wink* hahas
omgg, sick of rehearsals
practically dragging my feet there, i sacrificed soo much just for this production sia.
and I don't get any credit for this 'cause I only Calefare mah.
no speaking role at all. Actually have de, budden techer give Zess...hais
I was praying for at least a speaking role de.
don't really feel like carrying on with this play.
'cause of this play I lack of sleep, loss of appetite. I think that don't have to sacrifice this much for the play.
everytime I get back from rehearsal I bathe then sleep.zz
then at night I keep thinking about the play that's why cannot sleep.zz
actually thought of backing out de, but I will get into deep trouble and my mum forbids me to..sad..
but never mind luhs, i have officially moved on.At rehearsals, the only thing we do is:
get scolded and rehearse. wow, how interesting!*sarcastic*
yesterday went to Compasspoint library and borrowed like, 8 books.
finally can get to read liao. Should be watching High School Musical 3 soon.
I love all the songs lor. Especially 'Can I Have This Dance' sung by Vanessa Hudgens and Zac Efron.
beautiful song...
so many movies coming soon, so little time to watch...zz
my birthday still must wait like, 2 months...
can't wait!!! Gimme present arh!!
..just kidding...hahahs
so excited for upcoming hols!!going Vietnam and Taipei!!woo!!
but, i would prefer going to some place like New York, California etc.
will buy stuff back for all frens...
those of you, be prepared for Christmas prezzies!!